Things To Know About Washing Socks

Socks are an important but often unsung element of any outfit. They’re an essential part of daily life, required to keep our feet warm, protected, and dry over the course of the day. Because they’re so frequently used, and because they always come in pairs, they often take up a significant amount of washing machine real estate!

You might think it’s as simple as throwing your socks into the washing machine alongside the rest of your laundry and calling it a day. However, there are actually a few things you should be sure to keep in mind whenever it comes time to give your socks a soak!

Want to ensure your socks come out of the machine feeling and smelling as fresh as possible? These tips will show you how!

What Setting Do You Wash Socks On?

Generally, it’s best to wash your socks in colder water, on a gentle cycle. The reason for this is that colder water is softer and kinder on fabrics. While hot water is able to kill germs and bacteria, to sanitise clothing, it can often be harsh enough to do damage to the fibres found in clothes.

Socks are perhaps the most heavily used clothing items, as they are often in direct contact with the ground, or the linings of your shoes. This means that the fibres are naturally susceptible to being damaged while going about your daily life. Giving them a cold wash ensures that your socks are able to last much longer.

Want your socks to last a little longer? Be sure to wash them up in cold water. This helps to protect the fibres, to keep your socks soft but durable!

However, specific types of socks, such as sports socks, are designed to be a little more hardy. This means that they are not only designed to survive heavy use but also designed to withstand greater temperatures. It’s best to wash such socks at higher temperatures. Sports socks are naturally more grimy and susceptible to bacteria. Washing them in hot water helps to sanitise them!

Should You Separate Socks From The Rest Of Your Laundry?

This will largely depend on the number of socks being washed. For instance, if you live alone, and you only need to wash a small number of pairs, then by all means chuck them in with the rest of your laundry.

If you live in a busy household, and you need to wash numerous pairs of socks at once, then it might be worth washing them separately from other clothes. This helps to prevent the spread of bacteria and germs!

Should You Turn Your Socks Inside Out To Wash Them?

It’s likely that you’ve been told a number of times throughout your life to turn your socks inside out before washing them. Luckily, there is logic behind this suggestion. The insides of your socks are always making direct contact with your skin. This means that they naturally soak up sweat and germs from your feet.

Turning your socks inside out ensures that the socks can be more efficiently cleaned. The water will be able to wash away the dirt and grime!

Washing socks

Why Are My Socks Still Dirty After Washing?

Sometimes, you might pull your socks out of the washing machine, only to find they’re still dirty! The reason for this usually tends to be a lack of detergent. With too little detergent, dirt and grime that has really latched onto your socks won’t be pulled away efficiently.

It’s important to place your socks into the washing machine inside out. The insides of your socks are the dirtiest, so they can be more efficiently cleaned with easy access to the water!

Your socks might also come out dirty because the washing machine has been overloaded. If you were to wash your socks alongside mountains of other clothes, they may not be able to move around, and it may be tough for the water to reach them. When loading your washing machine, you should ensure that you can still fit your hand into the drum. This ensures there’s space for the laundry to move.

Should You Wash Socks Every Time You Wear Them?

Generally, your socks should be washed after being worn only once. Socks are constantly in direct contact with your feet. This leaves them vulnerable to bacteria and dirt. Wearing your socks multiple times will cause the dirt to really build up. Not only would your socks become incredibly smelly, but you also risk the spread of infection!

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Wash Socks On 30 Or 40?

You should try to limit the temperature to around 30 degrees when washing your socks. The reason for this is that high temperatures can cause direct damage to the materials used in your socks. High temperatures can destroy the fibres of the socks. This makes them less soft, and more likely to develop holes! As well as this, lower temperatures help to protect the elastic that keeps your socks held to your feet!

Is It OK To Wear The Same Socks 2 Days In A Row?

You should try your best to avoid wearing socks for multiple days in a row. Socks should really only be worn once before being washed again. Even if your feet barely sweat during the day, they are still vulnerable to plenty of dirt and grime. There are around 250,000 sweat glands to be found on the feet, so no matter how much activity you engage in, your socks will still get sweaty!

Is It Healthier To Wear Socks Or Not?

Socks aren’t only designed to keep your feet comfortable and warm. They’re also designed to protect your feet from bacteria and fungus. They also help to keep the sweat from your feet from escaping and causing infection. This in turn helps your shoes to last much longer. Wearing shoes without socks causes bacteria to gather up in the shoes!

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