Ever been told that leaving your clothes in the washing machine is bad? Want to know whether there’s any truth to the rumour?
In today’s article, we’re going to take you through exactly what would happen if you were to leave your clothes in the washing machine after a cycle. And we’ll also show you how long is too long when it comes to leaving your laundry lying around post-spin.
What Would Happen If You Left Your Clothes In The Washing Machine?
The most common consequence of leaving clothes in your washing machine is a strange smell. Bacteria and mould both thrive in moist and warm environments. These are both descriptors that could easily apply to a washing machine drum in the time after finishing a cycle. If you were to leave your laundry in the washing machine for a number of hours after washing, it would very easily become vulnerable!
You should make a point of removing your laundry from the washing machine as soon as the cycle ends. Leaving it to lie there leaves it extremely vulnerable to bacteria and mould!
If you pull your laundry out and it has a very pungent and sharp odour, at odds with the smell of your detergent, then it’s likely that bacteria and mould may already have begun festering. In such a case, we would recommend washing the laundry again to kill off bacteria and mould.
What’s The Longest You Should Leave Clothes In A Washing Machine?
You should always try your best to empty out the washing machine drum as soon as a cycle has finished and hang the laundry to dry. But sometimes you simply forget to empty it, and that’s okay!
Notice a forgotten laundry load in your washing machine? It’s important to consider how many hours have passed since you set the washing machine going, and when you noticed the forgotten laundry. If it’s only been around 4 or 5 hours, you should be totally fine. Give the laundry a quick smell. Does it smell as you expect? then it’s safe to remove it!
If your laundry has been waiting in the drum for 8 to 12 hours, then we would strongly recommend re-washing. In this space of time, bacteria and mould may have easily begun spreading. You should try to stay one step ahead of it.
Don’t worry, if your laundry was only left for just a few hours, it will be totally fine. If left for 8 to 12 hours in your washing machine, it will need to be washed all over again!
However, how long you can leave your laundry in the washing machine after a cycle can also be affected by what materials you are using for a given cycle. If you’re using stronger cleaning materials such as bleach, to clean laundry, then it will last much longer if left in the drum.

What Should You Do If You Leave Clothes In The Washing Machine Too Long?
If you have left laundry in your washing machine for too long, it’s always best to wash it again. The warm and moist environment in the washing machine drum will be very attractive to bacteria and mould, so you’ll want to minimise the risk of them being pulled out with your laundry.
If you have only left your laundry in the machine for a small number of hours, it may be totally fine to remove it and leave it to hang dry. Give it a quick smell. Met by the pleasant smell of detergent? Then you’re good to go!
How Do You Avoid Forgetting About Your Washing?
If you’re prone to forgetting your laundry after setting a cycle off, there are luckily a number of things you can do!
Perhaps the best option is to make use of the washing machine’s built-in timer. Most modern washing machines will sound a small alarm to warn you when the cycle is finished. If your washing machine does not have such a timer, it may be because it is significantly old. We’d strongly recommend upgrading to a newer model if this is the case! If you’re happy with your washing machine, then why not set a timer on your smartphone? This will ensure you don’t end up forgetting at all!
Having a regular laundry schedule can also be a big help. Allocate a single day in the week to be your dedicated laundry day. From there, establish a specific time in which you will fill the machine and the specific cycle you will set off. This way, you can always be sure exactly when the machine will need to be emptied. Doing the laundry will quickly become as natural as breathing!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Happens If You Leave Clothes In The Washing Machine?
If you were to leave your clothes in the washing machine for too long, around 8 to 12 hours, they would be highly susceptible to bacteria and mould. Found that you’ve left your clothes lying in the machine for that long? You’ll need to give them another wash to prevent the spread of bacteria and mould around the home!
Is It OK To Leave Clothes In the Washer Overnight?
Generally, you should avoid leaving your clothes in the washing machine overnight, and try to remove them from the machine as soon as the cycle is complete. However, if your washing is only left in the machine overnight for a small few hours, less than 8 total, then it may be fine. Just be sure to give your laundry a quick smell to ensure it’s fresh.
How Long Can You Leave Clothes In The Washer Before They Smell?
Generally, you should avoid leaving your clothes in the washing machine for more than 8 to 12 hours. Past this length of time, your clothes will become incredibly susceptible to bacteria and mould growth. This is what will cause them to smell slightly pungent and unpleasant. If your clothes come out smelling odd, you should wash them a second time.
Is It Okay To Leave Clothes In The Washer For A Couple Hours?
If you’ve accidentally left your clothes in the washing machine for a few hours, the situation may not be totally beyond hope. Have they only been in there for a small number of hours? Then they should be totally fine. If your clothes have been left lying there for more than 8 hours, we’d recommend washing them again!