However, occasionally our trusty washing machines might have trouble performing basic functions, and may need to be repaired. The only problem is that washing machine repairs can vary massively in terms of price. How can you be sure that a repair is even worth it? Should you bother to repair a ten-year-old washing machine? Or should you just replace it with a new model?
Have a washing machine that’s been by your side for more than ten years? Wondering whether to pay for those expensive repairs? Let’s find out your best options, to help save you lots of money!
Should You Repair A 10-Year-Old Washing Machine?
The definitive answer to this question actually depends on the extent of the repairs. Is your washing machine encountering a significant issue? Perhaps the repair would be very affordable, and won’t take very long at all. If this is the case, it may well be worth repairing even an older washing machine.
However, you should try to avoid spending too much when repairing a ten-year-old washing machine. When washing machines reach this age, they are naturally susceptible to damage. This means that, after repairing an older washing machine, another issue may very quickly rear its ugly head!
It may be worth repairing a ten-year-old washing machine if the damage is not too severe. If the repairs will be costly, then it may be more cost-effective to purchase a brand new model instead!
This means that, in some cases, it is actually more cost-effective to completely replace an older washing machine with a new model. Especially if the damage is particularly severe.
How Long Should A Washing Machine Last?
Washing machines are highly durable and and they can easily last a number of years, provided they are cared for well.
On average, washing machines tend to last around twelve years at most. However, in order for a washing machine to last twelve years, proper maintenance is absolutely crucial.
Once a washing machine reaches between ten to twelve years of age, it would be best to start seeking out a replacement at the first sign of error.
Should A Washing Machine Last More Than 3 Years?
Absolutely! Washing machines can be very expensive to replace, and even more expensive to repair. As a result, washimg machines are built to last. If a washing machine were to not last anything more than three years, it would likely be down to bad maintenance, or some kind of error during manufacturing.
Even with very basic care, your washing machine should easily last more than seven years without error. If you take good care of your washing machine, you could see it lasting for more than twelve years!
The total lifespan of a washing machine can depend slightly on the model. Cheaper washing machines tend to last for around five years of frequent use. In such a case, three years would be a very healthy lifespan.
Is 10 Years Good For A Washing Machine?
Ten years is a very healthy lifespan for the average washing machine. If your washing machine has lasted for a full ten years, then you should give yourself a pat on the back!
If a ten-year-old washing machine is showing signs of slowing down or is otherwise not functioning at its best, it may be time to grab a new model! Older washing machines are more expensive and difficult to repair.

What Are The Signs That You Should Replace Your Washing Machine?
If you’re unsure whether your older washing machine might need to be replaced, you should look out for these common warning signs!
Your Washing Machine Isn’t Washing Your Clothes
Of course, if your washing machine cannot even perform its basic function, then it is likely that it is damaged beyond repair. Check to see if your clothes come out of your machine smelling odd, or if there are still visible stains on them.
Your Washing Machine Is Having Trouble Draining
Ever found your clothes sitting in a pool of dirty water at the end of a cycle? This may be a sign that there is extensive damage to the drainage system, or perhaps a blockage. If your washing machine is still young, you may want to pay for a repair. However, if your washing machine is significantly older, it would be worth going for a replacement!
You Simply Want A Bigger Washing Machine
It might also be worth replacing your washing machine if you simply want a brand-new one. Maybe you want a new smart washing machine with internet connectivity? Maybe you need a larger one to suit a larger family? Either way, if you simply feel like going for a new washing machine, we say ‘Go for it’!
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I Repair My 10-Year-Old Washing Machine?
A ten-year-old washing machine is generally reaching the end of its lifespan. This means that issues are far more likely to occur. While you might be able to repair one issue, another might quickly take its place. If your washing machine is over ten-years-old, it’s best to completely replace it, to save money.
Is 11 Years Good For A Washing Machine?
Considering that the expected lifespan of most average washing machines is around twelve years, eleven years is a very healthy lifespan for a given washing machine. If an eleven-year-old washing machine is still in working order, it’s more than possible to help it last for many more years to come.
Can A Washer Last 15 Years?
Absolutely. Washing machines can last much longer than their expected twelve years, provided they are well maintained and cared for. If you want to help your washing machine to last longer, then you should be sure to take good care of it and provide it with frequent maintenance. Even something as simple as cleaning the machine each week can help it to last longer.
Do More Expensive Washing Machines Last Longer?
High-end washing machines do tend to last a little bit longer than more affordable models. This is because they make use of higher-quality materials that are built to last. The higher cost also covers a more in-depth manufacturing process that ensures a longer life span for a given washing machine.