There’s nothing quite like gathering up your friends and family on the sofa to enjoy some TV together. Sharing TV time can help to improve your mood and strengthen your social and familial bonds. But, in order for group viewing to be truly satisfying, you’re going to need to make sure everyone has a great view of the screen.
To ensure everyone gets a great view, you’re going to need to carefully consider TV viewing angles. But what actually are TV viewing angles? And how do you decide on the perfect viewing angle?
Keen to grab a TV that everyone can enjoy together? Then you’re going to want to keep reading below. Our Reliant tech experts are going to take you through everything there is to know about TV viewing angles!
What Are TV Viewing Angles?
TV viewing angles refer to the angle from which you should view the screen. If you sit at too far of an angle from your TV’s screen, you run the risk of the image being interrupted.
Some TVs offer much wider viewing angles than others. For instance, one TV might allow you to sit at an angle of up to 120 degrees from the screen. Where another TV might only allow you to see the screen from 10 to 30 degrees from the screen.
The viewing angle of a TV refers to the optimal angle that you should sit in relation to the screen. Some TVs have wider viewing angles, and thus offer more flexibility for viewing!
It all depends on how the light from the TV screen reaches you. If the light can more easily reach out from the TV screen, then it often means the viewing angles will be much wider.
If you ever sit outside of a TV’s viewing angle, the image will lose its contrast. The brightest parts of the image will appear much darker, and the darkest parts of the image might instead appear as a dull grey.

What Is A Narrow Viewing Angle?
If a TV is described as having a “Narrow” viewing angle, then it’s likely that the viewing angle is around 10 to 30 degrees from the centre of the screen.
TVs with arrow viewing angles are best for small living rooms, or for those that plan to watch TV content alone. They offer enough leeway to approach the screen from the side, while also focusing the image for direct viewing. When viewed head-on, the image of a TV with a narrow viewing angle is incredibly focused and bright.
Most LED and QLED TVs have narrow viewing angles, due to the fact that they utilise a backlight to display images.
What Is A Wide Viewing Angle?
If a TV has a “Wide” viewing angle, it’s most likely because it has a viewing angle between 60 to 120 degrees from the centre of the screen. The light from the screen is able to more easily diffuse, which means it can be seen from wider angles. TVs with viewing angles above 120 degrees are described as having “Ultra Wide” viewing angles.
Wider viewing angles are absolutely essential for watching films and shows with a group of people. They ensure that even those on the very edge of the sofa get a perfect view of the action.
Wider viewing angles are most often found in OLED TVs. This is because OLED TVs don’t use backlights. Instead, light is provided by the self-illuminating OLED pixels. The light comes from the front of the TV screen, and thus it can diffuse at wider angles! However, there are a few LED and QLED TV models with technologies to widen the viewing angles!

What Kind Of TV Viewing Angle Should You Opt For?
This entirely depends on the number of people that will be using the TV, and the kind of space the TV will occupy. Don’t simply opt for a TV with a wide viewing angle just for the sake of it. Keep in mind that TVs with wider viewing angles tend to cost much more than those with narrow viewing angles.
If your TV will mostly be used for solo viewing, and you’ll be watching it from directly in front of the screen, then there’s no need to invest in a display with a wider viewing angle.
The optimal viewing angle will depend on who is using the TV. If you want to watch with friends and family, then you’ll need a TV with a wide viewing angle.
However, if you plan to watch your TV with family and friends gathered up on the sofa, then you’ll want to opt for a wider viewing angle. A wider viewing angle ensures that even those sitting on the edge of the sofa can join in with the fun!
Make sure to also consider the space your TV will occupy. If your room offers enough space to watch the screen head-on, then you’ll be perfectly accommodated by a screen with a narrow viewing angle. If your room has an unconventional shape, and you’ll need to watch the screen from an angle, then make sure to grab a model with a wide viewing angle.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Are TV Viewing Angles?
A TV’s viewing angle is used to describe the maximum angle from which you can still make out the image on screen. If you sit at too wide of an angle from your TV, then the light won’t be able to reach you. This will result in dampened contrast and a lack of clarity!
Do Viewing Angles Matter?
If you are the only one using your TV, and you sit directly in front of it, then viewing angles won’t matter too much. It’s only if multiple people use the TV, or you plan to use the screen from an unconventional position that viewing angles will matter to you!