Recently had a friend warn you to turn off motion smoothing on your TV? Not sure how to actually do it? Then make sure to check out our definitive guide down below. In this article, we’ll show you how to turn off motion smoothing on your smart TV, as well as times you may want to make use of it!
How Do You Turn Off Motion Smoothing On A Smart TV?
Luckily, turning off motion smoothing is incredibly simple. Motion smoothing might operate under a different name, depending on the TV model you are using. LG TVs make use of “TruMotion”, while Samsung TVs make use of “Auto Motion Plus”.
Motion smoothing is incredibly easy to turn off, no matter what kind of TV model you are using. Motion smoothing options are usually found in your TV’s display settings. Be sure to keep your user manual close to hand.
To turn motion smoothing off you will need to head to the system settings of your TV. We recommend keeping your TV’s user manual handy so that you can easily find your TV’s settings. When you find the system settings, you’ll want to navigate to the “Picture” menu. From here, you will be able to fine-tune your TV’s display settings. You may need to look under “Advanced” or “Expert” settings from here. At this point, you should be able to toggle your TV’s motion smoothing.
Again, we recommend consulting your TV’s user manual, just in case motion smoothing is hidden behind a few extra layers of menus!
Why Turn Off Motion Smoothing?
Amidst all the panic, you might be wondering why you would bother to even turn off motion smoothing! Why did Tom Cruise pine for viewers to turn off motion smoothing before streaming his hit 2018 film Mission: Impossible Fallout? The main reason why motion smoothing should be switched off is the effect it has on content.
Motion smoothing is designed to add frames to your content, to upgrade content that usually runs at 24 frames per second to 60 frames. This is done automatically by the TV as your content plays. Your smart TV generates its own frames to slot between the existing frames of your content, to create smoother motion.
Motion smoothing results in what is known as the “Soap opera” effect, where motion appears unnaturally smooth. This is why motion smoothing is highly controversial in the entertainment industry. Films and TV shows are usually produced at 24 frames per second. Motion smoothing involves a smart TV generating its own frames, and meddling with the creator’s original vision. If you’re a film lover, and you want films to look exactly as the director intended, then you should definitely turn motion smoothing off!
Motion smoothing can simply be really uncomfortable to look at. It can result in uncanny motion that actually strays further from realism! It also meddles with a director’s vision when enjoying the best films.
Motion smoothing does not result in realistic motion, despite what some manufacturers may tell you. Instead, motion smoothing can easily lead to motion that sits in the uncanny valley. Motion that looks unnatural, and unrealistic!

When Should You Use Motion Smoothing?
Despite all of the doom and gloom surrounding motion smoothing, there is a reason why it is still included as standard in so many modern smart TVs. Motion smoothing is fantastic when watching live sports or other live entertainment.
As we mentioned, motion smoothing results in motion that is much easier to follow on-screen. This means that when it is used with sports content, it results in every motion being rendered in extreme detail. If you’re a particularly avid footy fan, then motion smoothing would allow you to witness the very moment a player’s foot makes contact with the ball.
Motion smoothing is not perfect. It involves a smart TV making a lot of guesswork, to attempt to fill in the gaps between frames. This can often result in jerky and off-putting motion. But luckily, many TVs allow you to fine-tune motion smoothing settings as you see fit. This ensures that you can get a perfect sense of motion from your favourite live content!
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Turn Off Motion Smoothing On Your Smart TV?
Turning off motion smoothing is easy on most smart TVs. While you may need to consult your TV’s user manual, it can often be easily toggled from the system settings of your TV. Simply head to the display menu to find the motion smoothing toggle. You may find that motion smoothing is listed under a different name on your TV!
Why Do New TVs Have Motion Smoothing?
On a basic level, motion smoothing exists to help make your content look better. Unfortunately, for many people, it has the opposite effect. Motion smoothing is designed to produce action that is much clearer and easier to read on screen. Instead, it results in motion that feels uncanny and unreal.
Why Do Some TVs Look Too Smooth?
When wandering the aisles of a TV shop, you may find that some of the screens appear a little smoother than others. The reason for this is because they are making use of motion smoothing. Motion smoothing analyses footage as it plays, to create frames to insert between existing frames. This is designed to make low-frame-rate content look as though it is playing at a higher frame rate.
Where Is Motion Smoothing On TV?
If you’re looking to turn motion smoothing on or off on your smart TV, head to the system settings. This is where the option will be. You may need to look for a sub-menu listed as either “Display” or “Picture”. These menus allow you to change the settings of your TV’s display.