But sometimes the cost of a TV Licence can simply prove a little bit too daunting for some. As such, you might wonder if you are eligible for any discount on your TV Licence, or even if you could get one for free!
Want to know how much a TV Licence costs for a pensioner? Whether you’re looking for a TV Licence of your own, or for an older relative, we have everything you could need in this handy guide below!
How Much Does A TV Licence Cost For Pensioners?
The State Pension age is currently set at 66 years of age, for both men and women. TV Licensing does offer free TV Licences to older customers, but only to those aged 75 and older. Unfortunately, there are no exemptions or discounts offered specifically for pensioners. Even then, free TV Licences are only offered to older customers receiving Pension Credit.
Unfortunately, pensioners are still required to pay the full cost of a TV Licence. Unless they are over 75 years of age, at which point they are eligible for a full free Licence!
However, if a pensioner is living in a residential care home or otherwise supported housing, they are eligible for a significantly reduced fee on their TV Licence.
Can You Get A Free TV Licence?
The only group afforded a free TV Licence are those over the age of 75. There are no other groups that are eligible for free TV Licences. However, there are certain factors that can enable someone to be eligible for a reduced TV Licence fee.
How Do You Get A TV Licence Discount?
Don’t get your hopes up too high. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to dodge the TV Licence fee, you’ll be severely disappointed.
Specific concessions are made for those who are blind, or otherwise have a severe sight impairment. They’re also made for those living in residential care of some sort. Finally, they are also made available to those that provide accommodation to paying customers. These include hotels and mobile units. There are no other concessions made. Thus, there is no easy and simple way to avoid the TV Licence fee!
Hoping for an easy discount on your TV Licence? Unfortunately, there are no discounts available aside from those that cover those with blindness, those running hotels and other accommodations, and those living in residential care.
How Do You Apply For A Free TV Licence?
If you are eligible for a free TV Licence, you can easily apply for it by filling out the online form on the TV Licensing website, or by calling the TV Licensing offices. You will need to provide specific documents to prove your age and your eligibility for the fee exemption. It usually only takes a few weeks for an application to be processed.
Can You Apply For A Free TV Licence Before You Turn 75?
Yes! To make the transition much simpler, it’s actually possible to apply for a free TV Licence while still 74 years of age. Simply All you need to do is enter the right details, and your account will transfer over to a free version upon your 75th birthday.

Can You Still Watch TV Without A TV Licence?
If you’re disappointed to hear that you don’t qualify for a TV Licence discount, you don’t need to worry. You can still legally watch and use your TV even without a TV Licence. A TV Licence simply allows you to legally access live broadcast content from the BBC and other channels. You also need a TV Licence for the popular BBC iPlayer streaming service.
If you’re happy to go without live TV content, then you can simply make use of popular streaming services like Netflix, Apple TV+, and Amazon Prime Video. These platforms have extensive streaming libraries that allow you to take full advantage of your TV display.
Why Do Older People Get Free TV Licences?
The TV Licensing Authority does not directly state why free TV Licences are given to people over 75 years of age. However, it’s likely that they are given out as a courtesy. Older people are often much less mobile. This means that they may often be resigned to the home for days at a time. It also means that older people are far more susceptible to loneliness. TV helps to keep older people occupied while at home and staves off a sense of loneliness.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Is TV Licence For Pensioners?
Pensioners are required to still pay for a full TV Licence at full price. It is only customers over the age of 75 that are eligible for a free TV Licence. However, pensioners who live in a care home, or who are blind, may be able to apply for a TV Licence cost reduction.
Do Pensioners Over 80 Have To Pay For TV Licence?
No. TV Licence customers older than 75 are already eligible for a free TV Licence. Those under 75 years of age still need to pay for a full TV Licence. There aren’t any discounts or exemptions that cover pensioners specifically under 75 years of age. However, pensioners living in care homes can receive a discount!
Does Everyone Over 70 Get A Free TV Licence?
Unfortunately, free TV Licences are only handed out to those over the age of 75. If you are still under 75 years old, then you will still need to pay for a TV Licence. Luckily, if you are 74 years old, you can apply for your free TV Licence early. This ensures a smooth transition into your free licence upon your 75th birthday!